Cemetery Gates Ride


Turns out I arrived in Houston just in time! I came to town to attend Coffee and Bikes on Saturday morning, but after talking to some fellow cyclists, I learned that I just happened to arrive the same day as the biggest ride of the year, the 11th Annual Cemetery Gates Ride.

This Halloween themed ride is hosted by East End Bike Ride. Having no idea what to expect from the Houston bike scene, I was shocked to arrive at the starting point and find about 300 cyclists ready to roll! Houston is a city rich in diversity, and this was well reflected in the group. This social ride welcomed all bikes, but one thing that stood out to me was the vast number of fixed gear riders. I asked around, and many people attributed this to the flat terrain and the lower barrier of entry for fixed/single-speed bikes. In fact, prior to this ride, I met with a group called Texas Fixed, a fixed gear club having a watch party at a local bar for one of their fellow riders who was in LA for the Formula Race Series. While accommodating all types of bikes, this ride also had a small group of gas and electric motorcycles. While not as invasive as in Tucson, a few people mentioned that they would prefer these to not be included for safety reasons.

Once the ride began, we headed around some neighborhoods and through downtown. Rolling at a party pace, the group stayed together well. Although the ride totaled around 18 miles, there was one stop in the middle at a cemetery where we hung out for about 30 minutes before continuing. The second stop took us to a dirt parking lot where a local punk band was playing out of the back of their van, and a nearby car was serving water and beer to riders for donations. After staying for the band's set, about 20 minutes, we headed back to the starting point, where tacos were being served and bands were playing.

I wish I could have stayed for the afterparty to catch the bands, but I headed back to my hotel since I had to be up early for coffee. Before I left, two ride leaders came over to say hi. Both were very excited to see I had come from Portland and were very welcoming.

The Official Pink Tag Review:

This was a positive and warm group, full of all types of people. Everyone was friendly and open to conversation, and for the most part, everyone was happy to help each other. If you’re in the Houston area in October, I would definitely check out this ride, and I highly recommend checking out any of the other rides hosted by East End Bike Ride.

Have you done the Cemetery Gates Ride, or any East End Bike Rides? What did you think? Let us know in the comments!


Coffee and Bikes


Tuesday Night Bike Ride (TNR)